Eye Examinations

Eye tests are generally covered by Medicare for those eligible. There will be out of pocket expenses for those requiring more extensive assessment, for imaging, and for our specialised services.

Our comprehensive  eye examination is tailored to understand your needs, assess vision and eye health, and then discuss our recommendations  so you can  make an informed decision. This usually takes between 30-40 minutes. 


Clear comfortable vision is needed for development and learning.  At Eyekonic we modify our techniques to make the experience fun, and can fully examine children from the age of 3. We strongly recommend that children have an eye exam before starting at school and then regularly during  the school years. If there is a family history of an eye disorder such as myopia or ‘lazy eye’ it is important  to check for this as early as possible.

Children younger than 3 can be assessed to make sure their eye health and development is age appropriate. We can also assess red or watery eyes. Our optometrist will refer where appropriate to paediatric eye specialists.


Blurred vision can develop at any age. For many, our first eye test will be when reading small print becomes difficult- which is a normal change with age. Our current lifestyle involving the prolonged use of screen devices, has seen an increase in eye strain, headaches and blurred vision in the younger and working population.


As we get older, there is a higher risk of developing eye disease such as cataracts, macula degeneration and glaucoma. A gradual but significant change in vision may go unnoticed, or, as with glaucoma, there may be no symptoms. It is important to have annual reviews, which are covered by Medicare, for those over 65.



Annual  eye examinations are covered by Medicare and involve the use of pupil dilating drops to allow a wider view across the back of the eye. Imaging is usually required.  As a window into the body, by looking at your retina we can assess and report to your GP if your diabetic management is adequate or needs modifying. We will refer to an eye specialist for treatment if there are signs of sight threatening diabetic retinopathy.


If you experience a sudden change in vision including flashes of light and floaters, sudden double vision, painful or red eye, prompt assessment is required. Please contact us.

Even if you have no symptoms, a comprehensive eye exam every 2-3 years will reassure you about  your eye health, especially if there is a family history of eye disease. It may also detect changes which you were unaware of and lead to timely intervention with appropriate management to maintain both your visual and general health.


Current research shows that the prevalence of myopia (shortsightedness) is increasing worldwide, and predicts that by 2050 half the worlds population will be myopic. It is also well known that with myopia there is an increased risk of serious eye problems such as cataract and glaucoma later in life. With high myopia, there is a much greater risk of retinal detachments and myopic maculopathy which causes irreversible vision loss.

Once a child develops myopia, it generally progresses. This progression is much faster in younger children. At Eyekonic, we encourage eye tests before starting  and then regularly during school years, so that risk factors ,and children bordering on developing myopia can be identified. Our optometrist will discuss strategies which can delay onset and prepare parents by discussing options for optical correction and myopia control.

The appropriate management of myopia is now considered as a standard of care.

At Eyekonic we prescribe Misight contact lenses, orthokeratology contact lenses, atropine eye drops, and spectacle lens designs manufactured with the latest technology - all of which have been shown to slow progression of myopia.

For more information: mykidsvision.org


Dry eye is a chronic condition which can cause significant discomfort, inflammation, and lead to damage of the surface of the eye. Symptoms can include irritation, tearing, redness, fluctuating vision and tired eyes.

Dry eye results from an imbalance between the oil, aqueous (water) and mucin (binder) which make up your tears. This can be due to a range of factors such as your environment - including screen use, poor blinking, medications, blepharitis, older age and some general health conditions.

At Eyekonic, our optometrist will carry out specific assessments to determine the quality of your tears and identify underlying causes.  Options for management include a range of eyedrops or ointments, in office and at home procedures, advice on environment and diet modifications.

Dry eye assessments are not fully covered by Medicare.


This is a common, chronic inflammation along the edges of the eyelids which look red, feel itchy and often have flaky deposits on the lashes. Causes of blepharitis include an excess of normal skin bacteria, but is also associated with allergies and other skin conditions.

Untreated it can result in frequent styes and blocked oil glands in the eyelid, and alter the balanced composition of your tears and lead to dry eye.

In office, our optometrist provides treatment with BlephEx™. This is an advanced cleaning hand piece, to effectively and gently clean along the edge of your eyelids and lashes. It is the best starting point for you to then maintain your eyelid health at home with a routine recommended by our optometrist.


Following your eye examination, our optometrist may recommend a course of exercises to improve functional vision, such as eye teaming, eye movements and focussing. Training is also available to improve skills in processing and interpreting visual information.

The programme will be tailored for the individual, with regular in office attendance, and must be supported by continued training at home. Equipment is often provided, but common childrens  activities are also included.

Children as well as adults can benefit from these programmes.

Vision training programmes and the equipment issued is not covered by Medicare.


This procedure of reshaping the front surface of the eye has been around for many years. It has been adopted more widely now that technology, algorithms in lens design and lens materials have improved and become more available.

Ortho-K works by regularly sleeping in specifically designed Rigid Gas Permeable lenses. The shape of the front surface of the eye (cornea), is gradually changed by the lens, so that vision is clear during the day without the use of glasses.

Orthokeratology has also been found to successfully slow myopia progression.  Regular reviews are necessary to ensure optimum vision and eye health.


Opening Times

Mon 9:00am - 5:30pm

Tue 9:00am - 5:30pm

Wed 9:00am - 5:30pm

Thu 9:00am - 7:00pm

Fri 9:00am - 5:30pm

Sat 9:00am - 3:00pm

Sun Closed

Where to find us - WE are located on Olive street opposite the reddy express service station

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