Why you should service your Spectacles
When you first buy your spectacles or sunglasses, you instantly love them. You handle them with as much care as possible to make sure nothing happens to them and that they stay perfect, just the way you bought them.
Over time, however, as we wear our spectacles we start to neglect them a little - hanging them off our shirts and putting them on top of our heads. This is where we, Eyekonic Optometry, can assist.
We offer complimentary maintenance service.
Each and every pair of Spectacles/Sunglasses is different; the materials, the manufacturing and the style itself. Each spectacle service requires a very different and personal approach.
Most Common Materials used in Spectacle Manufacturing:
- Cellulose Acetate
- Titanium
- Metal alloys including nickel
- Plant based materials
Different frame materials require different needs. E.g., Titanium frames will just require a good clean and tightening of the hinges due to the material being robust. The more we service and maintain the condition of the frames, the longer you can enjoy wearing them.
What is included in Eyekonic glasses CARE
- Inspection and cleaning of lenses and frames
- Tightening of hinges and screws
- Adjusting frames on you, so they sit comfortably
- Polishing if required in specialist frames
- Changing of nose-pads / pad arms
We recommend servicing your glasses every 6 months to ensure the condition of the frame is monitored and the lenses are free from blemishes.
Call us to book your servicing appointment today!
We will service your old spectacles/ sunglasses as well as spectacles bought elsewhere.